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Tenant Management

Stress Free Property visit

Marketing team will manage the Site Visit with any enquired tenants.  No need to worry about leaving work in between for showing the house.

Exclusive photoshoot of the house and using it for marketing the property for rental use

Advertise in Print, electronic and Internet tenants portals and also in

Respond to all the queruies from the interested tenants about your property details.

Estimate Rental value

Gather data on rental rates in the area and work with owners to determine the optimal rental rate

Offer recommendations on repairs and cosmetic improvements that maximize monthly rent while providing good ROI

Estimate Rental value


Advertise in Print, electronic and Internet tenants portals.

Putting up property details for rent within the society notice board and also in society group mail Id.


Tenant Screening and Inspection

We collect tenant’s photo, company ID card and any government issued photo id card, driving license, pan card, passport, Aadhar or election id card and scan the particulars and send it to the owner as well.

Tenant Screening

Rental Documents

Prepare all the necessary Rental Agreement and get it attested between owner and tenant.

Rental Documents
Tenant Move-IN

Tenant Move-IN

Review lease guidelines with tenant regarding things like rental payment terms and required property maintenance.

Confirm move in date with tenant

Prepare the home for tenant Move In by doing necessary cleaning work.

Rent Collection

Collect Montly rent and security deposit and deposit it back to owner account

Rent Collection

Tenant Move Out

Inspect the property, take photo and videos and prepare a final moveout report and share with owner.

Clean and Prepare the house for the next rental assistance.

Tenant Move Out

Property Inspections

Perform periodic inspections (Inside and outside) on a defined schedule looking for maintenance and repair.

Send owner periodic reports on the condition of the property. It will be in Video as well picture format.

© 2015 by Classic Services

+91- 96420 44 448  |  +91-40-40178911

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